You breathe life, oil on canvas, £500 plus postage and packing

You breathe life


This painting is the fourth in an ongoing series about the work of the Holy Spirit as described in the Bible.

Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2 : 7

I used a range of different techniques and tools to give a varied texture to the piece and used a muted palette of colours.

The Spirit of God rests above the clay image of Adam and breathes life into his lifeless body.

The painting is 40cm by 50cm and is painted around the edges so it can be hung unframed.

If you are interested in buying this painting, please contact Sue.

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Painting tip: “Consider going back to the works of artists from the past when faced with the difficulties of needing a human model. This Adam was based loosely of a picture of Jesus crucified, with a cloth added for modesty! 🙂 ”  Sue Newham

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